incus virtualization
Images available for creating LXC Containers
A portion of the available system parameters are shown here for your reference:
- debian10, debian11, debian12
- ubuntu18, ubuntu20, ubuntu22
- centos8, centos9 (actually opened out of the Stream version)
- alpine3.15, alpine3.16, alpine3.17, alpine3.18
- openwrt21,openwrt22,fedora37,fedora38,fedora39
- rockylinux8,rockylinux9,oralce8,oracle9
- oralce7,centos7 (CGroupV1 needs to be enabled in GRUB or it won't start.)
- kali,archlinux
- Note that the combination of lowercase letters + numbers or only lowercase letters, try it yourself, if the search is not the system will automatically exit the script
- The version number can be with English decimal point, in order to adapt to the alpine version number has been supported.
- If you can't open it, it may be that the hard disk is not big enough or it doesn't fit the host, try it by yourself.
- The images currently in use are triple filtered and prioritized: self-hosted、official-hosted、opsmaru
- A complete list of supported systems for self-compiling images: x86_64_fixed_images.txt and arm64_fixed_images.txt
The version number has ended the long-term maintenance of the general no longer have an official mirror, temporarily did not find the archive address of the historical mirror, if you find welcome to leave a message I will add support!
Generate only one NAT server
- Generate only one NAT server, with customizable restrictions on all content.
Download script
Downloading the boot script is NOT REQUIRED, if you have used the command to install incus with one click, the corresponding boot script will be downloaded automatically, so you don't need to download the script again.
curl -L -o && chmod +x && dos2unix
. / name Cpu_num Memory_size Hard_disk_size SSH_port Extranet_start_port Extranet_stop_port Download_speed Upload_speed Whether_IPV6_is_enabled(Y or N) System(leave blank for debian11)
Memory size is calculated in MB, hard disk size is calculated in GB, download speed upload speed is calculated in Mbit, whether to enable IPV6 does not have to fill in Y or N, no this parameter can also be left blank default does not enable IPV6
If external start port`` and
external stop port are both set to 0, then we don't do interval port mapping, only the basic SSH port is mapped, note that ```can't be null
, and it needs to be set to 0 if it's not to be mapped.
Support custom server system, do not fill in the leave blank default use debian11, pay attention to the incoming parameters for the system name + version number
Here is the information about the example chick that is being raised:
Attribute | Value |
server's Name | test |
Username for SSH Login | root |
Password for SSH Login | Randomly generated |
Number of CPU Cores | 1 |
Memory Size | 256MB |
Disk Size | 2G |
Range of Internal and External Port Mapping | 20002 to 20025 |
Upload Bandwidth | 500Mbit |
Download Bandwidth | 500Mbit |
Automatically Set External IPv6 Address | No |
Operating System | Debian 11 |
./ test 1 256 2 20001 20002 20025 500 500 N debian11
If you need to see the information, run
cat ct_name_change_me
For example, the information for the query example is
cat test
If you have already generated chicks through the above methods and still need to batch generate chicks, you can use a customized batch generation version of the script, but note that you should first delete the test chicks before batch generating chicks
Delete Test Chick
incus stop test
incus delete test
rm -rf test
rm -rf test_v6
Normal version batch generation
Opened Chick Configuration:
- 1 core 256MB RAM 1GB hard disk limited to 300Mbit bandwidth
- With 1 SSH port, 24 extranet ports
- Default memory and hard disk size
incus if the command is no problem, the execution of the initialization of the opening of the servers, this step is best to put ```screen`` in the background to suspend the execution of the opening of the servers, the length of time with you to open a few and the mother hen configuration-related
Execute the following command to load the boot script
curl -L -o && chmod +x && dos2unix
The following command opens 10 chicks with the name prefix tj.
./ tj 10
Sometimes there is a problem with the path where is run, in this case it is recommended to add sudo in front of it to force it to run in the root directory
Bulk generation of pure SSH port versions
Opened Chick Configuration:
- 1 core 128MB RAM 300MB hard disk limited to 300Mbit bandwidth
- Only one SSH port
- Unable to mount warp
incus if the command is no problem, the execution of the initialization of the opening of the chick, this step is best to put the ```screen`` in the background to hang the execution of the opening of the chick, the length of time you open the chick with the opening of a few and the mother hen configuration-related
Load boot script
curl -L -o && chmod +x && dos2unix
The last line of the following command opens 10 chicks with the chick name prefix tj
./ tj 10
Sometimes there is a problem with the path where is run, in this case it is recommended to force the root directory to run by adding sudo in front of it.
Custom Batch Generation of Versions
- Customizable memory and hard disk sizes
- It's also fine if you have manually executed the above batch generation before; the configuration inherits without overwriting
If you need to batch-generate servers multiple times, you can use the following:
curl -L -o && chmod +x && bash
Can be run multiple times to batch generate chicks, and inherit the previous part has been generated in the back to add, customizable memory and hard disk size
View the information of the batch opened chicks
After opening the chicks, the specific information will be generated in the log file in the current directory, with the following format
Server_1_Name Password SSH_Port Public_Port_Start Public_Port_End
Server_2_Name Password SSH_Port Public_Port_Start Public_Port_End
To view it, simply print the log file by executing the following command in the current directory
cat log
Don't use the chicks opened by this script as a production environment, incus virtualization doesn't support changing kernel, dd, turning on bbr, etc.
Some common incus commands
View all containers:
incus list
View details of a specific container:
incus info container_name
Start a specific container:
incus start container_name
Stop a specific container:
incus stop container_name
Delete a specific container:
incus delete -f container_name
Enter the container's shell:
incus exec container_name /bin/bash
Instead of /bin/bash, you can use /bin/sh in alpine, which is /bin/bash on regular systems.
To exit, type ```exit`` and enter.
Delete all incus containers
incus list -c n --format csv | xargs -I {} incus delete -f {}
Perform deletion of useless logs within a container
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean
sudo find /var/log -type f -delete
sudo find /var/tmp -type f -delete
sudo find /tmp -type f -delete
sudo find /var/cache/apt/archives -type f -delete
Update all commands related to the above one-click scripts
Delete the original configuration script
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/
Download back the relevant configuration scripts for the new version
wget -O /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
wget -O /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
wget -O /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
wget -O /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
wget -O /root/ && chmod +x /root/
wget -O /root/ && chmod +x /root/
Just download the other one-click scripts yourself.